
NATIONAL CHILD SAFETY COUNCIL - The Council provides safety educational materials to law enforcement agencies and schools nationwide.   NCSC works with local police departments, sheriff departments and schools to develop programs which are both educational and entertaining.  NCSC provides pamphlets, manuals, posters and folders and loans films on bicycle safety, child safety, drug education and crime prevention.  Materials are geared to children’s various levels of understanding and experience.

IDENT-A-KID – The Child Identification Program is a “Parent Option Program” that is offered through the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and furnishes the participating parents with an Ident-A-Kid thumbprint and important information about what to do if your child is missing.  All information received is confidential and returned to the parents with the completed cards.

L.E.A.D.- Law Enforcement Against Drugs - Offers the only 10-week, evidence based, K-12 tested and proven effective anti-drug/anti-violence curriculum delivered by law   enforcement and teachers in the United States. L.E.A.D. has a partnership with the Mendez Foundation to deliver thier Too Good Curriculum.

OFFENDER WATCH-A nationally recognized sex offender registration, management, and community notification tool which enables local citizens to search for registered offenders near them. This tool is available to schools, daycares, churches or any concerned parent or citizen.  The program provides a data base of all registered sex offenders in the included area.  Interested persons may sign up for notifications of registered offenders who reside in or recently moved to their local area.  This information is provided in an effort to better aid in the protection of local children.