Coronavirus Information

What is the CORONAVIRUS?

Masked uncle sam
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In an effort to help serve the community and the inability of some to acquire necessary items such as Food and Medicine, I am making the Sheriff's Office available to assist in delivery of these items to citizens in Marion County.

Grocery stores and Pharmacies in Marion, Hillsboro and Peabody have been advised of this and will call as we are needed or if you or someone you know needs this service you can call the Marion County Sherifff's Office at 620-382-2144 with a request.

All orders will be picked up and delivered to your home at no charge.  Officers will not transfer funds for these items either from the place of purchase or individual.

Sheriff Robert Craft

UPDATE: CDC Announces Shortened COVID-19 Quarantine Periods

Fact sheet regarding the current Coronavirus (COVID-19). 

You can also call the phone number 211 for information on COVID-19.

  • This number is accessible 24/7/365, 180 languages, completely confidential. You will be speaking to a live, trained individual. United Way sponsors it. If you would like more information on 211:

As the COVID-19 situation changes, so does information.

Cold vs Flu

To minimize panic due to bad/false information please refer to reliable websites, including:

Reminders:  Encourage individuals to stay home if they are sick, get a flu shot, always wash their hands, use a barrier to open doors (tissue), and use a knuckle to turn on/off a light or press an elevator button, fist bumps instead of handshakes. 

"General public - no masks".."General public-not the routine use of gloves.."  Dr. Norman's video message regarding masks and gloves for the public.


The public often misunderstands the terms Quarantine and Isolation.

Quarantine = used to isolate individuals who may have been exposed to a particular disease. It is a period of watchful waiting. The practice protects the general population from the risk of exposure to a disease.

Isolation = used to separate ill persons who have a communicable disease from those who are healthy. Isolation restricts the movement of ill persons to help stop the spread of certain diseases.

For more information regarding quarantine and isolation    

If you have questions please contact us.

Marion County Health Department

Important Executive Orders, Resolutions, and other notices: